Not sure how to transition back to the workplace, and feeling the pressure in the current circumstances? (We understand it’s tough). Werktec will guide you through everything from safety, hygiene, workplace strategy, and even air quality, providing you with the highest level of protection to help you fulfill your responsibility as an organization. With our innovative culture and flexible workplace solutions, we are here to adapt your current establishment to provide your team with a safer working environment.
Werktec’s solutions were specially developed by Sennex Consultants team with 25 years of workspace expertise & knowledge to help guide any organization adapt in these current times.
The economic and social consequences of the pandemic have been and are going to continue to be profound. This situation will not change until a vaccine or effective antiviral treatment is found and becomes available. Unfortunately, there’s no certainty that either of these outcomes will eventuate and we are therefore in “uncharted” waters.
As the world contemplates easing lock-down restrictions, it is clear that the way forward is to “hope for the best & plan for the worst”. New behaviour patterns are emerging and are indeed required to guard and protect against the risks of a second wave of infections and the ensuing social and economic harm it would cause.
In conjunction with longstanding partners like FM:system we have developed a package of services that we can offer your company so you can operate your workplace and fulfil your legal and corporate responsibilities to create a safe & functional working environment for your staff and your client’s post Circuit Breaker.
In a pre-vaccine world, an agile work environment must be efficiently & effectively managed to ensure that, occupant load densities are not exceeded and that socially distanced work practices are observed and controlled. Given contact tracing, sanitization and social distancing requirements as well as government regulations; agile space usage must be controlled and recorded. We can rapidly provide non-intrusive technological solutions which facilitate the following;
Plan and deliver socially-distanced workspace layouts.
Identify available socially distanced workspaces for users to reserve with bookings via App, Web and Outlook.
Provide space usage analytics to identify spots for reactive cleaning & sanitisation.
Evidence safe & proactive return-to-work strategy with time based assignment of user booking privileges to facilitate & manage split team working arrangements.
Continually monitor varying space demand through detailed analytics

Standguard products can assist businesses in fulfilling their safe workplace & social distancing responsibilities by providing a protective hygiene shield that helps guard against airborne virus transmission whilst, facilitating socially distanced interactions.
- Our product can be customized to your requirements.
- Offers an anti-microbial surface coating to provide an additional layer of protection and peace of mind.
- Our product provides a physical shield that’s easily sanitized.
- Lightweight & portable
Ease of Installation
- The Standguard product range is easily installed and removed.
- Permanent mounting options are available.
- Demonstrates that you care about your most important asset – your people.
- Fulfils SG-GOV safety guidelines.
- Product of Singapore.
Some viruses spread through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Talking and breathing can also release droplets and particles. Droplets generally fall to the ground or other surfaces in about 1m. However, particles (aerosols), behave more like gas and can travel through the air for longer distances. Centralized building air-conditioning systems in Singapore rely heavily on the re-circulation of air and it is usually outside of a tenant’s sphere of influence to get a landlord to increase air dilution. To guard against the threat of aerosol transmission the following risk mitigation actions could be considered.

Improve central air filtration at the AHU to the MERV-13 or the highest compatible level with the filter rack
Consider UVGI (ultraviolet germicidal irradiation) to the central supply duct. If you would like to consider these options, we are able to assist.

Consider portable room air cleaners with HEPA filters.

Anti-microbial applications which chemically bond with the surface to which they are applied can provide prolonged surface protection against a wide spectrum of pathogens. Our solutions provide round-the-clock surface protection against bacteria, viruses & other pathogens and can be applied to desk surfaces, metal handles and other metal, wood, hard plastic, glass and stone finishes. We also have solutions that can be used on fabrics such as acoustic panels.
Our team is available to answer all of your enquiries to ensure everyone feels safe when they return to work.